Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Love Surprises!

It was Friday evening, Jim and I were celebrating our four year anniversary eating pizza and watching shows on our DVR, when my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller ID to determine whether I was going to answer the phone or just let it go to voice mail and saw that it was one of my best friends, Kelly, who hadn't I talked to in a while. I answered the phone and to my surprise, Kelly and her husband were in San Diego driving up the 5, for a little 4th of July weekend get away. Kelly and I have known each other since second grade; we went to the same the church, same college (lived together for 2 years) and were in each others wedding (two weeks apart). We hadn't seen each other for three and half years so the thought of getting to see her was exciting. Luckily we had the Monday after the 4th off so we decided to meet up for lunch so we could catch up and Brenton could get his In-N-Out fix! Even if I had had to work or had other plans, I would have made sure to find a way to meet up.

We had a great time at lunch, catching up on life, reminiscing about the past and talking about what the future may have in store for each of us. If only Kelly and Brenton lived closer...maybe one day we will live close to each other again.

I don't mind these types of surprises and could definitely get used to them if they happened more often!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Maddux has a new best friend...

Having company from out of town is always a treat for us. Ryan, Theresa and their little boy Jack came for a visit last weekend. They were already planning on coming out for a couple of days for a mini vacation at the beach and we talked them into coming a few days early so we could all hang out. I was really looking forward to this not only because they are such an awesome couple but also because we would finally get to meet Jack...a little over a year after he was born but still better later than never. Jack instantly became Maddux's new best friend as soon as they walked through the door. Maddux loves babies and Jack was no exception. He would chase Maddux around, throw the ball for her to chase and give her hugs. In return, Maddux loved licking him to death. I think Maddux was a little sad when Jack had to leave.


and Kisses!