Sunday, January 25, 2009

Puppy Days

I decided to make this a Maddux post today.

I love how Maddux can be so easily entertained. The other night Jim and I were talking about the stuffed frog toy she loves to play with and how we hadn't seen it in a while. It turns out froggy was left and grandma and grandpa's. Today we went down to my parent's and after lunch Maddux came running in with her favorite toy. The one bad thing is that froggy squeaks...and Maddux loves to squeak it over and over and over again. I figure though if she is having fun and entertaining herself with it, I'll put up with it for a little bit. Being a puppy is such an easy life.

In addition to her favorite toy, she has a favorite friend, her best friend Roxy. Maddux and Roxy play so well together and if you could watch them, you would be able to tell almost immediately that they really are best friends, even though they are just dogs. On Tuesday nights we go to Vivian and Roxy's for a play date. Maddux perks up in the car when we turn in to the drive way and can hardly wait for me to let her out of the car. Roxy knows Maddux is coming and will wait at the door until she hears us pull up. The minute the door opens, Maddux and Roxy play not stop for the next couple of hours. Vivian and I only found it fitting that Maddux and Roxy should have BFF charms for their collars.

It may be ridiculous but they are just too cute with the BFF charms.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

An Early Birthday Surprise

Last night we went over to Andrea and Reggie's for what I thought was just going to be dinner and game night. We were due for one of our hangout nights. I knocked on the door and when Reggie opened it, I noticed there were balloons all around and happy birthday streamers everywhere. It took me a minute to realize we were going to be celebrating my birthday (which isn't until the end of the month). We both have plans on my birthday weekend and they still wanted to be able to celebrate. To make it even better, Corban was wearing a onesie that said "Happy Birthday Auntie Jac". I am so lucky to have such great friends.

Thanks Andrea and Reggie for the early birthday surprise!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Years from the Rose Parade!

I have come to realize that there are many things and places I take for granted having been born and raised in California. We have talked about going to the Rose Parade ever since I was little but just never quite made the two hour drive north to take in the parade in person. This new years we made the parade a reality.

Jim's parents came out to visit from Chicago and the Rose Parade has been on Bev's life list of things to do or places to go. My mom has also always wanted to go so we decided to make it a big family outing. Early Thursday morning Jim and I, my parents, and Jim's parents left San Diego headed north while Jen, Matt and Elijah headed south from Bakersfield. I was amazed at how crowded the parade route was at 6am. We made our way to the grandstands to take our seats and wait for the parade to start.

After the flyover by the B-2 bomber, the first float came into view. The view from our seats was great. The floats were incredible. I never knew such a variety of flowers, plant materials and organic materials existed. The designs and detail were impressive. My favorite floats were the ones with all of the vibrant colors. Jim's favorite float was the surfer float. The whole experience was a little surreal.

Vera Bradley float- I love purses!

The detail was amazing

Jim's favorite float

We all had a great time watching the parade and listening to the bands. Bev is already talking about coming out for the parade again...she loved it! I'm glad that we were able to play a part in making one of her "dreams" come true. Although we probably won't go back to see the parade in person for some time, it was a great experience and we were happy to share it with family. Next year we will probably watch it on tv and remember the fun time we had the previous year... and then maybe brave the crowds the day after to see the floats up close and in person.

This was a great way to start off the new year. Happy New Years!