Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

This Thanksgiving we were reminded of how much we have to be thankful for: God, family, friends, our health, jobs and so much more. Sometimes we tend to take our family for granted but this thanksgiving I realized how much I missed spending the day with family and how truly thankful I am for family. This was the first thanksgiving that Jim and I spent on our own, without either one of our families. Although we missed our families, we spent Thanksgiving evening with my friend Victoria and her family. They even let Maddux join in the festivities so that she didn't have to spend it all alone. (Victoria has a Yorkie so him and Maddux got to play together. We had a nice evening with great food, friends and wii fun.

Everyone knows that with Thanksgiving comes Black Friday. We had done our Black Friday shopping early since Best Buy's ad leaked early and the sales they had last week were going to be the same. We figured this way we wouldn't have to get up early and fight the crowds. I told Jim early in the week that we should stay home on Black Friday so that I wouldn't be tempted to buy more things. But as most people who know me know, I can't pass up a good sale so we headed out Friday morning with the millions of other shoppers. We had a plan to only go to two stores and stuck to it.

The rest of the weekend we spent resting and relaxing. It was a great feeling knowing that we had a four day weekend. Jim and Maddux took lots of naps and I got started on the Christmas cards/letters. Saturday I took a break and Maddux and I met up with my friends Vivian and Christine for a hike around Lake Poway. It was great to get out and enjoy the unbelievably nice weather.

1 comment:

Victoria and Angel said...

Wii had soo much fun too. We'll have to do it again!